Caren Miesenberger
Caren Miesenberger works as a freelance journalist and social media editor in Berlin.
Her current clients include Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Missy Magazine and Spex. She primarily reports on gender and pop topics. From 2015 to 2018 she worked regularly on and about Rio de Janeiro. She also moderates events, gives social media workshops and founded the FEMINIST MEME SCHOOL.
The FEMINIST MEME SCHOOL is a workshop concept that was created by the journalist and online editor Caren Miesenberger. The participants form a temporary meme editorial together with her. Memes act as a social and political commentary.
Within the workshop you transform your own experiences of discrimination into funny pictures on the internet. By translating negative experiences into memes they become temporary fun moments. The produced memes will be posted live on the Instagram-account during the workshop.
The FEMINIST MEME SCHOOL is designed to empower and encourage the participants to recognize their own experiences of discrimination and to draw strength from them. It’s also about bravely confronting the digital public with their own creative work in a protected setting. It is okay to be free and loud.